How Brands Can Deliver on Corporate Sustainability Objectives & Drive Behaviour-Change

9 January 2023

Speakers: Jessica Long, Head of Sustainability / ESG Consulting, Strategy3, Ipsos & Gerald Breatnach, Head of Strategic Insights, UK, Google

Suitable For: Marketers, Creatives, Planners, Media Sales


Google and Ipsos present the results of their combined research to help brands understand, motivate and enable consumers towards more sustainable choices.

Key Take-Aways:

1. Concern for the environment and sustainability is at an all-time high. However,
there’s a do-say gap and advertisers and marketers need to help close that gap.

2. Enable & Engage: Marketers can help by closing the disconnect between micro-actions and the macro-issue, by enabling (shaping and stretching buying behaviour) and engaging (building knowledge and sharing progress) audiences.

3. Sustainability is more visible and influential in product-led categories than in service-led categories. In the latter, there is a need to leverage education and transparency specifically.

4. Advertisers need to consider audience attitudes & underpin their strategy with transparency and accuracy when it comes to sustainability claims.

Session Length: 30 minutes

You can watch the full session here.